What Does God Want You to Know About Himself?
(Luke 1) Luke’s gospel begins: Dear friend who loves God . . . (v.1 TLB) His greeting captures my heart. As though the words I’m about to read are written to me alone. Personally. Dear Cindy. Try inserting your name. Say it aloud. Feels personal, right? Most Christmas seasons I hurry through Luke’s gospel to…
When You Just Don’t Understand
(Luke 9:37-45, Luke 18:31-34, Proverbs 9:10) They hoped she’d have more time. That the journey through her difficult diagnosis would be easier. Less direct. So much of the scene at her bedside feels familiar. A little too familiar. I’m not sure how I ended up here with relatively new friends at such a private moment,…
What Would Happen if You Saw Jesus as He Really Is?
(John 6:22-63) Our house plans were a few feet shy of the required minimum square footage. So we added a tiny office. No window. No vents. More of a closet, really. Or a cave. Eighteen years later, that’s about to change. A window is on order. I’m already envisioning the office with a view. My…
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