Could you use a little fresh hope?
Or maybe a lot of fresh hope?
Me too!
I’m Cindy, and I’m glad you’re here.
Hope, in the Biblical sense, is not wishful thinking. As in, I hope these wrinkles don’t get any worse!
Instead, hope is living in the confidence that you are part of a good God’s good plan, even when it’s not the plan you had in mind. Hope is wrapping God’s truth around your heart and mind and life. Like a warm blanket.
The diagnosis of my husband, Ron’s, brain cancer wasn’t my plan. For sure. Nor were the seven years of caregiving, his death, or the grief that followed. For six years of those years, though, I turned out a blog every single Monday morning. Until I didn’t.
I took a year off. Wrote a book, journaled extensively, talked to God a lot, listened even more, typed up blogs no one saw, and watched way too many hours of Netflix. I should probably be embarrassed about the Netflix. Maybe later.
But right about the time I got super comfortable doing “not that much” and my “year off” was sliding in the direction of becoming years off, God totally surprised me. From out of left field I felt a stirring, or re-stirring, of a familiar passion. An irresistible urge to write again for someone other than just myself. So here I am.
I love digging into God’s Word, discovering friends on the pages, and processing what I sense the Lord saying there about Himself, me, and life. Watching a blog take shape from God’s and my conversations humbles me. Every time.
I hope you’ll discover friends on God’s pages too.
And a friend in me.
I’m glad you’re here.
New season.
New website.
New blogs.
Fresh Hope!
Cindy Jolly (