What Are You Afraid Of?
(Luke 1:1-2:20)
As the Christmas season jingles away into January I move into Luke’s second chapter.
My plan is to walk with Jesus, chapter by chapter, from his first earthly breath to His last between now and Easter.
We’ll see how that works out for me . . .
While the second chapter of Luke is Christmas-y and does feature a cast of spiritual superheroes, Luke also speaks with breathtaking everyday-ness into the hearts of everyday people.
Everyday people like you and me.
With everyday emotions.
How interesting that Zachariah, Mary, and the shepherds’ angel encounters begin identically:
Fear not!
(Luke 1:13, 1:30, 2:10)
I picture God instructing His angel, “Tell them this first. Before you get started, before you get to the heart of the message, tell them not to be afraid. Let fear not be the first heavenly words their earthly ears hear.”
Fear not!

Worry, anxiety, uneasiness, anguish, panic, dread, alarm, apprehension, uncertainty . . . fear wears a lot of hats.
How simple to tell ourselves not to fear; how difficult to convince ourselves.
Fear has a way of getting its way, despite our best efforts.
Which has me considering, of what am I afraid?
What about you?
I start a list. On paper.
I don’t think of myself as a fearful person, but six fears practically write themselves in six seconds.
Hmmm . . . maybe we’re all a little more fearful than we believe.
Once they’re committed to paper, I notice all my fears are really variations on a theme.
I stepped out of the tunnel of hard grief a while ago, only to find myself drifting about.
I can’t seem to get any traction.
Am I single now? That feels weird.
A widow? That feels depressing.
Is there a third choice?
And whatever I am, what am I supposed to be doing now?
This new land feels like a vast field of sameness as far as the eye can see.
No landmarks.
No signposts.

I fear I may never figure out where I’m supposed to be going or who I’ll be if I get there.
Maybe your fears are less self-centered.
But I’m not here to judge.
So, back to two of those angel encounters and the next words . . . the personal messages from heaven after fear not.
God has heard your prayer. (Luke 1:13 TLB)
God hears you.
I bring you good news. (Luke 2:10 NIV)
God has things to tell you.
I glance at my list.

Fears committed to paper.
The unsettling drifting sensation . . . and who I am now.
I’d hoped that if I ignore my fears they will pass.
Sometimes they do.
Sometimes they return.
The truth is that fear can be a period.
Or the beginning of a conversation with God.
I find myself eager to initiate my end of that conversation.
About what scares me.
For He hears me.
And He has things to tell me.
We were never meant to live in fear.
Instead, we were designed to live in dialogue with our Creator.
Back and forth conversation.
About everything.
What are you afraid of?
See you in a couple weeks.

Fear not! I have to constantly remind myself that God is in control. He is the one who calms my fears when I trust in Him. He has my back every minute of every day.
So true! Sometimes it just takes a bit to get there.
Staying in conversation with Jesus is the only way to stifle fear . Satan lives for us to be fearful, but Jesus wants us to trust and obey. Some days are easier than others.
Sometimes I just have to speak to the fear itself in Jesus’ name and tell it that it must go! Fear is sneaky though. Sometimes we don’t even realize we’re fearful until we’re deep in.
Fear is a great motivator. It sometimes brings forth heroic efforts in life threatening situations. Soldiers, firemen, police officers, etc are aware of this. If they survive they know that God has held their hand through the ordeal.
I love, love your take on fear! You are a very wise man.
Not wise, greatly experienced. Hope all is well
It is well with me. I just dropped something in the mail for you.
I pray I can always have that back and forth dialogue with the creator. I do not want to fear. I sometimes wish he were a little faster in answering my prayers but I do realize there is a growing season or all of us. I know what he has in mind will be good for me so I will not fear! I do fear roaches in the middle of the night 😭
At least you can step on a roach or sweep it outside with a broom. I fear alligators when I walk through the state park. They’re always crossing the path from one body of water to the other over there. They really freak me out!
As a caregiver I’m sure I have the same fears as anyone else. I often have to remind myself of all the valleys God has brought me through. I’ve always came out on the other side a much better person / Christian. God will not fail me now! I have his loving assurance ❤️
He sure won’t. You are such an encourager, even to yourself! Looking forward to Thursday!
I’m in a season of life currently where I am dealing with all the “fears you listed” here. Thank you Cindy for this post. It has brought a better awareness to what I need to talk with God about.
Thank you 🙏
I’m not sure how I end up spending more time listening to myself than God, but it’s a constant realignment process for me. Maybe for everyone?
As always Cindy , you bring a beautiful lesson full of thought and love . Thank you for sharing yourself with us. I will “fear not “ and I will try to listen more.
Always a joy to hear from you, Carol Anne!