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  1. Fear not! I have to constantly remind myself that God is in control. He is the one who calms my fears when I trust in Him. He has my back every minute of every day.

  2. Staying in conversation with Jesus is the only way to stifle fear . Satan lives for us to be fearful, but Jesus wants us to trust and obey. Some days are easier than others.

    1. Sometimes I just have to speak to the fear itself in Jesus’ name and tell it that it must go! Fear is sneaky though. Sometimes we don’t even realize we’re fearful until we’re deep in.

  3. Fear is a great motivator. It sometimes brings forth heroic efforts in life threatening situations. Soldiers, firemen, police officers, etc are aware of this. If they survive they know that God has held their hand through the ordeal.

  4. I pray I can always have that back and forth dialogue with the creator. I do not want to fear. I sometimes wish he were a little faster in answering my prayers but I do realize there is a growing season or all of us. I know what he has in mind will be good for me so I will not fear! I do fear roaches in the middle of the night 😭

    1. At least you can step on a roach or sweep it outside with a broom. I fear alligators when I walk through the state park. They’re always crossing the path from one body of water to the other over there. They really freak me out!

      1. As a caregiver I’m sure I have the same fears as anyone else. I often have to remind myself of all the valleys God has brought me through. I’ve always came out on the other side a much better person / Christian. God will not fail me now! I have his loving assurance ❤️

  5. I’m in a season of life currently where I am dealing with all the “fears you listed” here. Thank you Cindy for this post. It has brought a better awareness to what I need to talk with God about.
    Thank you 🙏

  6. As always Cindy , you bring a beautiful lesson full of thought and love . Thank you for sharing yourself with us. I will “fear not “ and I will try to listen more.

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