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    1. We talked about those strings of beads going round and round the tree, but in the end they went for more of a spiderweb look. It makes me laugh every time I look at it. In good way!

  1. Thank you once again and Merry Christmas to you and all your family!! You must know the story about the spider family who adorned the tree of a poor family at Christmas!! I always have a spider ornament on my tree to remind me of it!!❤️🎄🙏🏻

  2. God’s mercy is tender❤️. Your Granddaughters are beautiful and I’m so glad they decorated- please remind them you need them in January to take it all down❤️

    1. They’ve got so much energy they probably won’t mind at all. When they finished decorating they wanted to watch Little House on the Prairie. It was a real sweet time.

  3. Tender mercies….I’m pondering that one. God has always been so merciful and good to me. Love those two cuties by your tree. My, how they’ve grown. So…much…fun! Merry Christmas sweet friend 🎄

    1. They sure HAVE grown. We used to talk about dolls and puppies . . . now we’re talking about diaries and training bras! Merry Christmas, good friend 🎄🎄🎄

  4. Oh what blessings. Oh what memories. You are so so blessed. They are darling and they sure are growing up in a hurry. That tree is beautiful! Get the spider story for me 🤣

  5. How our grands can pull us in to continue moving forward! Love the tree. As I am rereading Luke, I wondered how shocked Z must have felt! Never thought about his silence being a blessing to hear the voice of God. Merry Christmas, Cindy, and thank you for your poignant messages. Sherrill❤️🙏

  6. Love this post! The spider story is wonderful. I read it to my class every year. I can not pull the name out of the “file cabinet” but when I do I will message you. My tree is up and the lights are on. That might be it for this year!
    Merry Christmas to you and yours!

  7. Thank you for sharing! I just experienced my first Christmas and our birthdays (just before and just after Christmas) without Stefan. It was more difficult than I had expected. I also couldn’t put a tree up this year but managed to decorate the front porch (cheerful facade at least). It helps to know that it will get better. Thank you for giving me the booster I needed.

    Your granddaughters are lovely and so full of youth and excitement! God bless them and you!

    1. I am impressed by your determination and energy to present a cheerful facade! It really will get better, or at least different and gentler. Happy New Year, Rhonda!

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