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  1. What wonderful insight and wisdom and advice… To trust the one who does understand. Thank you my friend One good thing about getting really old is finally learning that you don’t have to have all the answers!

  2. Thank you for sharing your journey with all of us. It’s easy to find myself journeying right along side you. Blessings!

  3. Thank you so much! This message speaks to my life’s experiences. I have Proverbs 3: 5-6 on the wall above my sink. I read it everyday, some days many times!

    I am glad to know I am not alone in still wanting to understand. I am learning to pray it into God’s hands🙏and look forward.

    1. One of the last things Ron said before he died was that there was a lot he didn’t understand. Maybe he does now . . .
      But what you said about looking forward – the Lord has been speaking hard to me about that!

  4. Love this Cindy. Really puts everything in perspective. We all need the faith to just let go and let God. ❤️

  5. As we grow older, we begin to realize we don’t need to ask why but who is the One to lean on. Thank you for your poignant message, Cindy.

  6. loving the deep truth about His knowing, my wanting to know and how faith unites us with Him when we trust, just trust His goodness and love. And I love you sweet sister, one who writes these incredibly spirit and hope provoking prayers.!!!!

  7. Oh, YES!! Thank you for sharing your life walk with us! Blessings abound all around us if we just stop and take time to look for them!

  8. As always, my dear friend, I am quietly saying, “Amen!” under my breath as I read each line! The cyclical, crazy trudging from shock to trust, back to shock and then finally collapsing into trust again…because there’s really no other place you want to be! I’ve told you before how much your writing blesses me. I gladly say it again!

  9. There is only one who has all the answers and we shall never learn more than what HE has set forth for our lives. Hard to understand but the only explanation for life occurrences we think should not take place.
    You are very insightful Ms Cindy.
    Take Care and Merry CHRISTmas…

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