The Secret Only Fishermen Know
(Luke 5:1-10, John 21:1-13)
I didn’t plan to wind up here.
Seated upon the jetty.
Feet dangling out over the water.
Trying to breathe out stress.
My birthday flipped a switch in my head.
I’m having a difficult time not obsessing about the fact that I am well deep into the second half of my life.
I feel unrelenting pressure, from within, to figure out what I’m supposed to be doing with the rest of my life.
So far I’ve got nothing.
Except that the figuring out part is exhausting.
And stressful.
I study the fisherman along the jetty.

They do not look stressed or exhausted.
Maybe I should take up fishing.
Or not.
I probably don’t have the right temperament.
Perhaps it’s the gentle lap-lapping below or the salty breeze, but another fisherman begins taking shape in my imagination . . .
I picture Luke, interviewing eyewitnesses for his gospel, approaching Peter.
Seeking another firsthand account of a story he’s already heard from John.
A dreamy smile spreads across Peter’s face as he recounts a story that never gets old.
A story that begins on a morning after he’s fished all night.
With nothing to show for his efforts.

And stressful.
When a resurrected Jesus appears on the beach and calls,
“Cast the net on the right side of the boat!”
(John 21:6 ESV)
And one hundred fifty-three fish swim right in.
A fishing miracle.
But before Luke has a chance to commit that story to paper, Peter continues.
“You know, that wasn’t the first time . . .”
Luke’s pen hangs in the air.
“Before I was Simon Peter, back when I was just Simon and I had no idea who Jesus really was is, there was another morning after. After fishing all night. Another morning with nothing to show for my efforts. When Jesus calls out.”
“Put out into the deep and let down your nets . . .”
(Luke 5:4 ESV)
I imagine Luke interrupting.
“ Let down the nets? Aren’t you supposed to cast a net? Exert some effort?”
Once again, that dreamy smile sneaks across Peter’s face.
“Usually, yes. But on this morning Jesus says to chalaó the nets.”
To, literally, relax the nets into the sea.
Peter continues with Luke scribbling along as fast as he can.
All the way to the end of the story.
When the nets are pulled up.
Full to bursting.
Another fishing miracle.
With a dramatic flourish, Luke places a period on that fishing story.
Only to discover that, once again, Peter is not finished.
“Then,” Peter pauses, “then Jesus turns to me and, well, pretty much blows my mind.”
“Do not be afraid! From now on you will be catching men . . .”
(Luke 5:10 ESV)
A familiar verse I might skip over . . . except I don’t.
Because my mind is also blown.
It’s not Simon’s job to figure out his own future.
His only instruction is to relax his net.
It feels as if Jesus is speaking to me too.
I glance at the fishermen along the jetty.
Pictures of relaxation.
Seems like they have it right.
Maybe we were never called to have our lives all figured out.
Only to relax our nets.
Into the mysteries of the deep.

Trust God there.
And breathe.
See you in a couple weeks.

I have missed your writings so much! Refreshing to read again. Yes, we need to only rest in Him.
Love in Christ,
Oh, Sherrill, it’s so good to connect with you again. I’ve missed our Mondays together. Prayers for you this morning.
Thank you for returning! This message especially hit home with me and I’m going to try breathing more. Thank you again
I really thought in the moment, for about a half a second, I should take up fishing! I’m not ruling it out . . .
Keep it up , you brave girl! I always love your writing.
You’ve been my role model for landing on happiness. I think I’ve finally landed there. Most days! Thank you . . .
Thank you, Cindy, for a refreshing message. This is much needed.
And thank YOU for your new neighborhood ministry!
Morning Cindy! Thank you for easing your net back into the water. I look forward to how God will fill it!
Me too! Thank you for your encouragement.
Welcome “home”! So glad we will be getting a new, timely, refreshing insight every other Monday. You have been missed by many, including me! ♥️
I’ve missed you too, Bleeker. You’d think we would be running into each other all the time in this small town!
I’m am thankful that you are back.
I really never saw “coming back” in God’s plan, but here I am. And I’m thankful too. He’s full of surprises.
Thanks for refreshing my Monday mornings again! 💕
I’m glad to have an opportunity to connect with you again!
Oh I woke up this morning wanting to feel so sad and then I thought Cindy’s blog is going to be out! Oh God please let the guy in Thailand be successful in getting this to me this morning! Thank you thank you my friend it is so wonderful. I know that God is blessing me this day and that he with me.♥️
He is actually in Bangladesh, and he was quite successful! It just amazes me how God can connect us up with someone on the other side of the world to meet our needs and His purposes.
Welcome back and thanks for sharing your and God’s wisdom!
It really is my pleasure!
Obviously, you’ve been much missed! I echo that sentiment. I always wonder, am at awe really, at how God speaks to you through verses I wouldn’t get that same thing from, if anything at all. But that’s our God! So glad you’re sharing again what He says to you. It adds depth to our lives. Welcome back!
I love how God’s Word uniquely speaks to us where we are on the day we read/need it. I’m glad to be back. And I’m glad, too, to be connecting with you again.
So happy to check my mail on Mondays and find your encouraging email there!! Feels like old times, great times! I’ve missed them so much. And such a good message! I need to just let my nets down too…I think working all my life as a manager has caused me to think I always have to have a plan. Well, I don’t!! Just give it all over to Jesus. Love you Cindy and thanks ❤️
I know what you mean about a plan. I love a plan. Relaxing the net is harder than it seems! I’ve missed you too. Did you see your comment on the “BOOK” page of my website? Thank you. Your gift of encouragement is huge!
I did! And I feel honored you’re using it. 😀
Cindy, how wonderful to start the week with Fresh Hope. Thank you!
I would say I’m happy to connect with you again, but we connect all week long. And I love that!
Such a beautiful message. So glad you are writing again, it can be very freeing. In my life of needing to feel direction I would just ask God , God let your will be my will and let me do your work. It works for me know even when I’m retired.
Warm Hugs.
I love your prayer! And YOU!
Good morning Cindy. I’m a new reader. I recently lost my beloved husband after a long illness. I’m dealing with the grief as well as I can. Still it’s a heavy burden most days just to be peaceful and accepting. I literally breathed in your words today and felt the peaceful message. It is not easy for me to “let go” and just “be”. This gave me a visual to reflect on. Thank you.
Welcome, Rhonda. I feel your pain. So much! Grief is a real hard road that no one understands until they walk it for themselves. Prayers this morning for your healing.
So happy to spend a little time with you this morning. Your words are always simple, direct and so applicable. I’m glad you are back!
I”m glad to be back! Let’s chat later about carpooling this month.
Thank you! So glad to be able to read and reflect on your insights again! You always provide something for me to study, probe, and learn!
I’ll miss you tonight! So good to hear from you.
Thanks be to God!! And thank you, Cindy!
You are most welcome, Kay.
I was so glad to learn you would be returning. Thank you. Please give my love to your girls.
I sure will!
I’m so very happy to read your words again, Cindy. You have such a gift for sharing your faith and your walk with God. I will look forward to your next reflections. Much love to you, Carol Anne Felts
Much love right back to you!
Cindy, so glad to be able to look forward to your uplifting messages again. You are so talented in making the scriptures so meaningful.
I’ve missed seeing you! Thank you for your encouragement.
You are such a blessing, Cindy! I used to go through those heart wrenching moments every decade wondering what the “plan” was for my life and mainly how am I making a difference. I just turned 75 and realize we are in His plan and yes, we have to relax into that plan and let Him direct the path. Isn’t it wonderful that He is always right and has the perfect plan?!
Love and blessings, my friend!
Yes! I was just talking with a friend this morning about how we would be overwhelmed if we knew the whole plan in advance. If I’d known I’d walk through seven years of caregiving and then lose Ron, I would have been SO overwhelmed.
CINDY!!! 🩷 Oh, this blesses me so!!! RELAX your nets!!! I can’t WAIT to read more about the Greek word at the heart of that command! I don’t want to miss anything Jesus meant…for Peter and for me! Thank you for loving the Word so deeply, sweet friend! Deep contemplation of it yields so much more than just a cursory glance. Love you!!!
You will love what you find when you research the word!
Hi Cindy!
Welcome back. I didn’t realize what a void was left in my online life until your Blog went away. Thank goodness it is back. I love your thoughtful insight into the Word and appreciate your gift in sharing it with hope and compassion and without guilt or judgment. You really do have a gift and you share it so beautifully.
I hope your mom/editor had a successful day today and will keep her red pen handy. You two are a formidable team.
Love that you are back and I can keep up with you. It’s such a special treat/privilege for me to be able to read your thoughts and know you in person, too! We need to reengage the Marsh Hen Walkers!
What a warm welcome back to my online life! I’m grateful, too, that I know you in person as well.
It’s so good to have you back!
It’s so good to hear from you, Tad! Hope all is well with you.
I welcome you back and look forward to being with you for the next part of our journeys into that unknown future of becoming….
I’m so glad to be on any journey with you!
Cindy as you know you are the Blessings ! Your Heart ❤️ is right where God place you to fill our lives with God’s message through you. Love you!
Thank you Cindy for coming back on line. I feel so much brighter after reading your blogs. I too will take more time to fish. Love your spirit Jaunita l
I am pretty happy to be back online. Thank you for your encouragement!
It was awesome to see your blog in my emails on Monday morning. I’ve missed seeing them. As ususal, you do a great job! Thank you for this.
I’ve missed you! Thank you again for your nice comment about my book. If you didn’t see it, click on the link that says BOOK.
As you can tell, I’m a little late reading this but how precious it is to me to be able read your blog. Thanks for stepping up to provide us with great wisdom. Love how you make things so real and practical.
And how precious it is to be able to connect with you!
This is a comfort to read currently. Thank you Cindy for coming back and blessing us with your God given encouragement.
What a joy to hear from you, Pat!
I see our Lord speaking mightily through you,Cindy. Thank you so much for your weekly gifts of His to us.
Thank YOU, Edie! Hope to talk soon.
Cindy, thank you, thank you, thank you for your message. I clicked in last week and did not read – life got in the way. I have missed your thought provoking witness each Monday and so glad to have read your message today, a day when I really needed to ‘relax” and know He is with me.
Good to hear from you, Sidney. Relaxing is a lot harder than it looks!